juli 29, 2008

Why do we believe?

Some people believe in family, others believe in friends, in some kind of god..
And then their are those who believe in love..
I was one of them, or am one of them, not really sure about that yet.
I didn't have the best example for relationships, I've seen my share of bad break-up's..
Spite of that, I believed. I believed everyone, including me, would find their love, grow old together, have pretty children and make an effort everyday to make it work. (Silly huh?) Now the only thing I see is couples fighting, couples rushing into living together or couples breaking-up after years of being their for each other.
How come we can go from love to hate in one day?
Realising this, makes me wonder why we still believe. Why are we so foolish? Why am I?
I lost my faith somewhere along the way. I even can't be honest about my feelings to my friends. The girl who once loved to hug and kiss her friends has died I guess..
I've been deceived, heartbroken and messed up. Maybe the last time was just too much?
He left and took a part of my believe with him.

27 days ago I was dreaming of my prince..
Today I'm sitting here, wondering if believing is still worth it.

juli 08, 2008

ex-boyfriend friend

Why is it that men, after dumping you always say they want to stay friends?
It is complete bullshit I tell you!
They want to stay in touch and all the other crap they say.
But what they are really saying is something they think you want to hear.
Well boys next time just dump the girl and go away!
Why do you always leave us hanging in those fake promises?
Promises we smart girls know you can't keep.
It's the same with the phrase: "it's not you!" Meaning it is you!
Wake up boys, deal with the drama and be honest!
Unless you like a kick in the vital parts after a few weeks!!
And to that one man in particular: "if you want to be my friend, learn to accept te fact that for once I'm actually better than you in something!"

Boys don't want no drama.
We don't want no ex-boyfriend as a friend.

juli 02, 2008

Every night

You have to be 22 years old to find out you're just a little child dreaming of her prince with his big white horse and a beautiful castle..
I thought I had found my prince, turns out he was nothing more than a regular boy who was just passing by, on my way.
He wasn't my prince, I know that now, but why is it silently killing me?
And if that isn't enough, my foolish mind pushed me into the arms of another.
Hoping this could eventualy be something. (not really knowing what 'something' is.)Only to find out my mind had deceived me. I played the game, thought I was tough. It's clear now that I'm not.I'm trying to convince myself I'm not waiting for the one, that my day will come and that I'm happy for now..
But inside I know that's not true..
Inside I'm that little girl, dreaming of her prince.
Every night.