november 21, 2009

"Mom, where is granny," he asked her.
"She's asleep," his 9 year old brother answered..
He went into her old bedroom and came back.
"She's not there."
"A. are you kidding me?" his mom answered this time..
"Granny is dead, you know that.."
"OOh! I'm sorry," he said surprised, "I completely forgot."

How much I would give to be my cousin's 7-year old son right now.
To continue with your life like nothing ever happend.
How fantastic would that be?

Again a new chapter in my life has started.
I'm at home again. Not knowing what I want to do in life..
Everywhere I look people are making choices in their life.
Wheater it's going a year abroad, going back to school or starting at a new job.
These people are moving forward.
Time is ticking away and my life passes by.
I'm living without reason.
Where are all my dreams?

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